Welcome to the new CanGeoRef database interface.


CanGeoRef is a bibliographic geoscience database that covers the Canadian geoscience literature since the early 1800's. In 2010, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES) began a cooperative arrangement to improve the coverage of Canadian publications in the GeoRef database and to provide a less expensive alternative to GeoRef for smaller organizations, companies and individuals (consultants).

CanGeoRef includes more than 220,000 bibliographic references on Canada. These references are drawn from GeoRef with additions supplied by CFES. The references cite the journal literature, meeting proceedings, abstracts, books, reports, theses and maps. An important addition to CanGeoRef is the Mineral Assessment Reports. Mineral assessment reports are complete for Alberta, to be followed by those of other jurisdictions in a later phase.

References contain complete bibliographic information and URLs for documents published on the web. Thorough indexing, based on the controlled vocabulary found in the GeoRef Thesaurus, is included. Specific geographic locations are listed as place names, and, for principal locations, latitude and longitude are provided. The database is updated on a weekly basis.